I think information technology's obvious by now that I'm a few days behind on posts.

My birthday was exhausted in Santa Barbara .  I had a altogether sidereal day planned.  It didn't turn out quite how I expected though and just quiet, there were a few tears held back … I know, poor me.

My day started with this:

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Yep. The little person midmost had his ain bed, but ostensibly mine was more comfortable.  I would feature squeezed in next to the bigger fry World Health Organization had an entire big bed to himself, but naturally he was sprawled crossways the integral thing.

Breakfast at our hotel was close at 10:30 and we made it to the restaurant with seconds to surplus.  Nobody could seem to get organized that morning.  Later breakfast we came back to the room so I could get over up a web log post, so  hubby took the little ones impossible for a manner of walking to give me some peace and quiet.  They came back with a bottle of champagne and the twins sang happy natal day to me.  I had a few mimosa's and we took off for the day.  I had wanted to go to the Biology Gardens and Alice Keck Memorial Park for the day.  Nice, lull, family activities.   Little did I know that the Botanical Gardens had been massively burned-over away the Recent epoch fires, so much a shame and there was a festival natural event in the Alice Keck Memorial Ballpark.  Eek.  Past then it was 2pm.  Flynn had pooped in the machine (we had no wipes) and we accomplished we'd forgotten Marisol's asthma medicament.  So back to the hotel we went to pick up everything we'd forgotten.  On the way of life out hubby picked me up an assortment of beverages to savor in the car while we definite what to do with the rest of the day.

We ended up driving down to the pier … I must have a thing for pier's.

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This is what he was making.  How creative.  I blue-eyed it and had to rich person one.Road Trip Day 1 094_picnik

We visited the Ty Warner Seagoing Center which was fantastic.  It's out on the pier and you can memorise all nigh the sea life of the area.  At that place were few men on areas for the kids which they soundly loved and it was very educational.

Baby sharks

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This octopus had eggs.  We learned that she will die briefly after they hatch.  Apparently female octopuses reject to eat after egg laying their eggs, instead they put all of their energy into lovingness for them.Road Trip Day 1 113_picnik Road Trip Day 1 115_picnik Road Trip Day 1 116_picnik Road Trip Day 1 118_picnik

Then we decided to go for a ride along the boardwalk.  Something that in altogether of our trips to the area we I had wanted to Doctor of Osteopathy.  The Twins absolutely idolised it.  They Sat dormie front and rang the bell.  Jay and Ran peddled their teensy-weensy hearts out, sign them.  Mama sat in back snapping pictures with her feet up.

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The 24-hour interval was ended with mama doing a little antique hunt, getting a new Disrespectful video camera (afterwards my old video camera definite to pass away a couple of days in the first place), feeding pizza at the Advisable pizza place I've ever been too Rusty's Pizza and so heading to Cold Stone for Methedrine cream.

All-in-all my day ended up being pretty great ultimately.


Bridget Bessie Smith June 21, 2009 - 5:00 pm

I love Father Christmas Barbara! Looks equal you made the best of things! If you all date back there is a very attractive zoo and a entertaining playground across the street from the beach (down from the pier a little) where you can just kick and watch kids get fun and dirty in the piddle feature.Im waiting to see if Im heading to Monterey myself tommorrow. Keep your fingers crossed that a Central Coast road trip is in my future.


BenLand June 21, 2009 - 5:00 post meridiem

you take the best pictures…fortunate birthday 🙂


Erin June 21, 2009 - 5:00 pm

Hey, your day sounded a good deal meliorate than mine. I stayed home and cleaned the house ALL day, and then my husband didnt level get me anything for my birthday!


Susan June 21, 2009 - 5:00 pm

Beautiful. We get ridden in the extremity carts on the eastside coast as well 😉 AND, surprisal, we actually feature Cold Pit here in Michigan. Very neat trip, thanks for sharing information technology.


Sharlene June 21, 2009 - 5:00 pm

I am glad you ended up having a great day. I wanna dress a cycle ride suchlike that. How fun! And the octopus story got me teary eyed. I am so much a sap


Peta June 21, 2009 - 5:00 pm

Hi Tonya, there is an awarding for you on my blog. Issue forth on over and get it.


Lori June 22, 2009 - 5:00 postmortem

Yeah! Sorry I missed you.. I was driving the touch of to Father Christmas Monica and back… I know the fun you had on that freeway… Bob Hope you had fun in Santa Barbara and yes Rustys is the top-grade pizza pie…sorry about the fires… we seem to cost pretty good at having those around Here… three crappy ones in the past year… we bequeath try to stop that! 🙂 Have fun on your following stop!


Nina June 22, 2009 - 5:00 pm

What a great mean solar day. Your photo of my spot in the bed genuinely ready-made me laugh.


cat June 22, 2009 - 5:00 pm

Happy birthday female child! May your year be blessed beyond words. Bon the picture of the kinsperson on the monger motorcar (Beaver State what do you call that thing?)


The Romero-Schroeder June 22, 2009 - 5:00 PM

Yes it sounds like it was a Dandy day at the end!


Mary~Momathon June 22, 2009 - 5:00 pm

I love your outings! I just took my family to Queen Califas Magic Circle. Learned about that place a few years back and then gentle of forgot until you posted; it was a enceinte outing! Yes, I blogged it. Happy Birthday to you!


my little kingcu June 22, 2009 - 5:00 phase modulation

Tonya,Shame on you girl…I thought you knew that you can never realise plans once more arsenic stretch as you have teentsy kids…Happy Birthday, already miss you.


Lisa amp; Gerald June 23, 2009 - 5:00 pm

Happy Birthday Tonya..Best wishes girl…Sounds look-alike you guys are having a real great time.. Beautiful photos…


Brooke June 25, 2009 - 5:00 pm

That looks so beautiful. The ride looks so fun! Gotta love the space they leave for mom on the have intercourse…Im thus there when we are traveling! I usually end up laying at the end horizontally…equivalent a dog or something.



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