Homemade Dog Food Grass Feded Ground Beef 85 15

The raw dog food diet is very controversial for humans and pets. The diet is based on the carnivorous natural diet of our dogs' ancestors. Because our dogs come from the same family as wolves, coyotes, foxes and other wild dogs, some people think a raw, natural diet is best for them. An easy raw dog food recipe, like this one, may be right for your Fido.

I've listed seven more raw food recipes here, but before you even think about switching your dog to a raw diet, you need to consult your veterinarian. It would be even better to schedule an appointment with a canine nutritionist. While the raw diet has many benefits, it also can be very dangerous if not fed properly.

Working with an expert will allow you to create a customized dietary plan for your dog that will meet his nutritional needs. They'll be able to explain the best protein choices for your pet and how to create the best recipes for him. They'll be able to discuss the amount of protein, carbohydrates and other important nutrients that will need to be included in any easy raw dog food recipe that you make.

Based on your dogs age, weight, current state of health and many other variables, a canine nutritionist or your veterinarian may also recommend including supplements in your pup's homemade dog food. It's important to discuss these things with a professional instead of just trying to create a homemade diet for your dog on your own.

MORE RECIPES HERE: Homemade Dog Food & Treats Recipes

Easy Raw Dog Food Recipe

Easy Raw Dog Food Recipe


  • 2.5 lbs. lean ground beef
  • 4 oz. chicken livers
  • 1 chopped carrot
  • 1 cored apple
  • 1/2 cup baby spinach
  • 2 whole eggs, including the shell
  • 1/2 cup plain yogurt
  • 1 tbsp. ground flaxseed
  • 1 tbsp. olive oil


The best part about preparing raw dog food for your pet is how easy it is to make! No preheating your oven, no frying, no baking and no cook time!

For this easy raw dog food recipe, first you'll need to put the carrot, apple and baby spinach into a food processor. As you'll see in my video guide above, I don't have a food processor, so I used my blender instead. Just be sure to add a small amount of water if you're using a blender, as it won't easily chop the ingredients without it.

Once those three ingredients are finely chopped, add the chicken livers, eggs, plain yogurt, flaxseed and olive oil. Process the ingredients until finely chopped again. In a large bowl combine the mixture from the food processor with the raw ground beef.

For more information on the raw diet, check out our extensive guide on the subject.

Easy Raw Dog Food Recipe

Once this easy raw dog food recipe is fully mixed you can feed it to your dog. Your veterinarian or canine nutritionist will recommend the amount of food that your dog will need each day to get the nutrients his body needs without becoming overweight.

You can serve the food like this, or you can form it into patties and freeze them. For example, if your vet recommends that your dog should eat 2 pounds of food each day, you can make 1 pound patties – similar to the patties you would make if you were grilling hamburgers.

Place the patties on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. Once frozen, you can store them in an airtight container for up to two months in the freezer. Each day you can just take out two patties, let them thaw and your dog's daily meals will be ready.

Remember that this diet isn't going to be appropriate for all dogs. There are plenty of good recipes, and some that aren't that well thought-out. Be sure to check with your veterinarian before switching to the raw food diet.

READ NEXT: Pros and Cons of the BARF Diet for Dogs


Source: https://topdogtips.com/easy-raw-dog-food-recipe/

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