Its Not Easy Anymore Because if Your Cousin in Spanish

If you want to say "cousins" in Spanish, you would use "primos" (masculine plural) or "primas" (feminine plural). Referring to only one cousin? Then use "primo" (masculine singular) or "prima" (feminine singular).

Getting comfortable with Spanish nouns, as well as modifying them for gender and the number of people/things to which you're referring, is usually one of the fundamental aspects of learning the language. Most nouns follow the o/a and os/as format. Plus, when two languages come from the same language family, they often share many words that are related to one another (cognates) or have a degree of similarity because they are directly linked to the same earlier root language. That is why you'll find English words like "artist" that sound remarkably similar in French (artiste), Italian (artista), and Spanish (artista). In addition to the similarities in vocabulary and spelling, you're sure to notice Spanish also has a straightforward system of pronunciation. There are few irregularities. The Spanish alphabet is quite a close match to our English alphabet. Aside from the main twenty-six letters you know, there are just three more you'll need in Spanish: ch (chay), ll (elle), and ñ (eñe).

With Rosetta Stone's immersive approach, you'll learn the language, not just the words.

What makes Rosetta Stone effective is that we prepare you to use your new language in your everyday life. So it's not just about the features, but what you're able to do because of them. That way, you'll be ready to handle any situation with ease and confidence.

Many people come to the decision to learn Spanish because they very often encounter the Spanish language in their everyday lives. Afterall, Spanish is prominently featured in our movies, our music, our dining options, and in many other aspects of our culture. Other individuals choose to learn the Spanish language due to upcoming plans to travel or to work or conduct government business in one of the 20 countries in which Spanish is both the official and most common language. So whether you choose to learn Spanish for everyday use here at home, or for your upcoming leisure travel or for your employment purposes, you will be well served to familiarize yourself with the most commonly used Spanish words and phrases. You see, learning basic Spanish words and phrases is essential, because learning Spanish grammar alone will not enable you to understand how the language is used by the estimated 437 million people worldwide who speak Spanish.

This is important: the key to learning Spanish is to concentrate primarily on pronunciation and not on vocabulary acquisition alone. This proven approach, focused on pronunciation first, will help you to learn to speak Spanish comfortably and confidently. It's far too common for new language learners to get lost trying to learn long lists of Spanish phrases or memorize flashcard decks of words. As a result, it's possible that new Spanish learners end up with little ability to understand or be understood in Spanish conversations. To avoid this undesirable outcome, it's important that you learn to pronounce and understand commonly used Spanish phrases. This approach—putting pronunciation first—will provide you with the skills and confidence to engage in conversation with locals.

It's also important to recognize that Spanish has several significant pronunciation differences from English. These differences can make it a bit challenging for new Spanish language learners to accurately pronounce Spanish words. As one example, the letter r is pronounced differently and takes some practice for most new learners. This distinct sound is formed by tapping the tip of the tongue on the roof of the mouth, about a third of the way back in the mouth. Some Spanish language experts counsel new Spanish learners to practice making the "tt" sound, as it sounds in the English word butter.

Your progress in Spanish pronunciation will depend to a great extent on your access to immediate and accurate feedback on your efforts to speak Spanish. With real-time and precise feedback, you'll have what you need to make immediate pronunciation corrections. Once your pronunciations are correct, you'll need to practice until you can naturally shape the distinct sounds that comprise the Spanish language. Good news: Rosetta Stone integrates its patented speech-recognition engine—called TruAccent—into every single Spanish lesson. TruAccent will give you that immediate feedback you need to perfect your pronunciation; matching your accent to that of native and non-native Spanish speakers. TruAccent was developed by carefully scanning and closely analyzing the patterns and pronunciations of Spanish speakers. That's why TruAccent can help you accurately learn to understand and be understood in Spanish, on an accelerated path.

Then, once you've acquired the single word and short phrase building blocks of speaking Spanish, you'll find that it's an easy transition to learning longer phrases that are common in everyday Spanish conversations. Rosetta Stone's short, 10-minute language lessons are designed to guide you along this path—leading to your ability to speak Spanish with confidence.

Surround yourself with Spanish whenever, wherever with the Rosetta Stone app .

Download a unit and knock it out on the train or a flight. Select a 5-10 minute lesson and sneak it in while you wait in line or for your ride to show up. And explore dynamic features, like Seek and Speak, where you can point at an object in the real world and get a translation .

The best part? You don't have to choose between app or desktop. Both come with your subscription and sync, so you can switch between devices seamlessly.

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